The Rut: Down the Rabbit hole in the Twitterverse

I’ve been caught in a rut. During this time of quarantine with the corona virus going around I’ve become even more unproductive than before. I have this blog and a YouTube channel to explore my creative outlets. This would have been a fantasy as a child and I see my teenage self punching me then making me tap out for being a lazy potato. My off hours from work consist of sharing memes on Facebook, watching political videos catered to my bubble on YouTube and arguing about politics on Twitter.

So many hours have been spent arguing with people on Twitter. I thought Facebook was bad but here I can argue with complete strangers for hours. It’s funny to think these people I’m arguing with I could probably have a beer and a laugh with them. Then again some don’t have a sense of humor and would be triggered by anything. I know because I’ve encountered such people in reality.

Two weeks back a pundit from CNN posted something and a pundit from MSNBC commented on it. The two took turns attacking Bernie Sanders and his supporters. So I had to say at least Bernie can’t raise taxes on said pundit now. Who knew this moment would cost hours of my life. The MSNBC host bragged about her high taxes as if it was an altruistic choice and this lead to a shit show. I brought up the public tantrum on MSNBC after the Nevada caucus. There was no unity or “vote blue no matter who” it was all about stopping Bernie Sanders. My points brought rage from Biden supporters some may have previously been employed by David Brock’s “Correct the Record”. The media doesn’t like to talk about establishment trolls. The strategy was simple. Attack my character by inferring I’m a racist and or sexist then block so I can’t reply in my defense. Maybe because I’m new to Twitter at least in full time use this was surprising behavior. On the bright side I received no death threats from this. That actually happened when I criticized Reagan years back in a tweet.

There was a point when I realized this was a huge waste of time recently. In the battle between keyboard warriors we get lost in the fog. I was arguing against confederate statues pointing at the time they were built in glorification of the confederacy the kkk was in a resurgence. This lead to a pointless back and forth til I was left speechless. I was B- Rabbit five minutes into 8 Mile but for different reasons. To counter my argument the guy posts a video how the Jews were behind the slave trade. Speaking of rabbits this was a rabbit hole I decided not to go down. I’m arguing against racism and this person double down with anti-Semitism.

As bad as things got, there were a few moment when I saw humanity behind the tweets. After I made a snarky comment about virtue signaling the person I’m arguing with about Joe Biden tells me all the good he has done and I had to give him respect though I disagreed politically. For the most part these are people on the other end. It’s kind of amazing. We have this tool to connect with complete strangers and here we are extending our “two minutes of hate”. Maybe we can do better. We need to do better especially now in this time when so many either are or will be struggling soon. This is the dare to be great moment we all could embrace or hashtag our rage. It’s a choice and today I choice to work on my dreams. After tweeting something about the DNC’s ineptitude (Yeah I did this while blogging this not seeing the irony).

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I'm a blogger, vlogger and daydreamer.

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