
So this is my first political post on my site and I promise you it won’t be my last. In college I was a history major and throughout my whole life I’ve paid close attention to politics. Everyone has a different belief system when it comes to this subject that has ruined many a Thanksgiving dinners. Presidents from the past have been elevated to saint status to partisan pushing propaganda. There’s a cult of Reagan but also a cult of Kennedy. The media wants us to divide and worship or respective deities. Ronald Reagan who told the Soviet Union in Germany to “tear down this Wall” and magically it was done according to myth. Of course we don’t talk about his military support of Iran, Iraq, and the Taliban. Great job Gipper. JFK almost brought us to the brink of World War 3 in a dick measuring contest with Nikita Krushev. He also increased our involvement in Vietnam that would lead to all out war after his death.

So I look at politics from a lenses of principle. I don’t want war for the purpose of regime change because that leads to blowback decades from now. Also we have in the past supported dictators over democratically elected leaders for corporate interests. I know this sounds like hippie talk so I’ll be real. As uncool as this is like corporations. If I need clean underwear at three am there’s always Walmart and if I’m drunk at home I can black out and have a flat screen TV delivered to my house in two days thanks to Amazon. I also love the big tech companies even though they have likely tricked me out of my privacy with their terms and conditions. So yea maybe I’m not really fighting the power. I’m content with it all.

So yea that’s the capitalist in me. I’m all for the free market but some aspects off society should not turn a profit. Prison is there to keep criminals out of civil society. Rapists, murderers, money launderers should be locked away. I have no problem with my tax dollars paying for this. I have a problem with these functions of society be traded on the stock exchange by companies finding creative ways to be cost effective and increasing profits through imprisonment based on drug prohibition for an example. I’ll get into that later but using this as a means for more low cost workers to increase marketing shares is in my opinion morally wrong.

Another so called industry that should be not be so is healthcare. I pay health insurance all year long yet for some reason I’m afraid to see a doctor when I’m sick let alone get a check up. Let me repeat, I have health insurance. Last year I got bronchitis and was billed a month later 150. First I know it’s not going to be free, second they still manage to make it a pain in the ass for me to pay my bill by sending me one like its twenty years ago. In the rest of the industrial world you pay your taxes and you go to a doctor and your done. Here if you know someone with a major health issue likely they had to post a GoFundMe to pay their bills. But thanks to this system we got Breaking Bad so there’s a bright side to it all.

Meanwhile the military has hired private contractors like KBR and Blackwater (now under another name) in regime change wars in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Whenever there’s a war there’s profit and many arms companies buy ads on news channels which is odd because I never went shopping at Raytheon dot com but they aren’t selling anything as much as they are buying influence over the pundits telling us what to think. This also applies to pharmaceutical advertising, which fun fact is only legal in the United States and New Zealand. So moral is I don’t trust news anchors or pundits on corporate media. They are bought and paid for and if you’re curious about who the customers are then watch the commercials. War should be a last resort not a means to increase profits.

So basically this is how I felt all my life. I’m by no means a party loyalist since the democratic party often supports unjust wars and drug prohibition. I’ve voted for Nader, almost Ron Paul (a day too late to register republican), Obama and most reluctantly voted for Clinton only to avoid a Trump presidency. I vowed never again to vote for the lesser of two evils. But I’ll get into that more in anther post.

The reason I started this post was so in the future when people think I’m bias in my opinion they’ll know for sure. I am. I’m not pretending to be neutral while narrowing a conversation and push a narrative. So as the primaries begin next month I will throw my opinion out there more often.

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I'm a blogger, vlogger and daydreamer.

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