This is 2020

Welcome to the new decade. World War Three almost broke out and Australia has been on fire. Well that’s not such a good start. Time to turn off the news I guess. Life is short as I’ve said before so embrace this life. I have a blog and a YouTube channel so might as well work on them. So here I am, typing my thoughts trying to make sense from the chaos. That’s what art is I suppose but it would be pretentious for me to consider myself an artist.

I’m a cashier, busser, telemarketer, burger flipper, etc. Many things but not an artist. I’m just like you on the other side of the screen reading these words between making your way through the day to life of errands and work. We are all trying to find our voice somehow I suppose, trying to find meaning. So let’s do it. I insist you to find your voice and yell it to the world. As for me this is where I go to search for it.

Plan for the Twenties

So I started my first blog in 2010 approximately. It failed for a number of reasons. I didn’t put the time in and that was because I lost interest. There were times I had writer’s block and stared at the screen for hours. Honestly my motive was to make money and quit working a real job. Ideally I imagined blogging from inside an RV and travelling the country or finally having money and time to spend with my girlfriend at the time. Once reality struck I lost interest and years later started another blog but I lost it when I ran out of money and the domain as well. So this is a fresh start and I need a plan.

The blog will be my home for creative projects. There’s a book series I’m plotting out about an uber driver with a grow house. It was a screenplay idea but there world seems to be getting bigger in my mind. After reading Stephen King’s On Writing I realized that this might be the direction I will go. Okay honestly I didn’t read it I listened to it on Audible. That’s in the works and I plan to self publish it.

The YouTube channel will get better unless YouTube goes away like myspace or shuts down my channel for some arbitrary reason. Growing up with MTV having music videos I know not to assume YouTube will aways be there. Remember Myspace? Nothing is permanent here. However no matter what I will continue making videos because I love that process.

As for the rest of Tony Recluse dot com I will blog daily as of now. probably the same time. It will be random and fun. Also some serious topics because let’s be real that’s life. On that not Happy New Year and I will see you tomorrow.

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I'm a blogger, vlogger and daydreamer.

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